The general recommendation is that clinical research should not just test hypotheses, but also describe. Numerous articles discuss the hazards of interpreting study results based solely on the P value, raising both practical and philosophical concerns. Confidence intervals contain a wealth of clinically relevant information that is not available in the P value and usual significance testing.
Human, Environmental & Exercise PhysiologyAlthough the 95 CI is most often used in biomedical research, a CI can be calculated for any level of confidence. With a 95 percent confidence interval, you have a 5 percent chance of being wrong. Level of significance is a statistical term for how willing you are to be wrong.
The Journal of Physiology’s Virtual Journal Club Membership Category and Fee Changes – FAQs Conflict between clinical importance and statistical significance is an important issue in biomedical research.
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The use of animals in educating the next generation of life science researchersStatistical methodology and reporting – the case for confidence intervalsUniversity of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland, UKJack just finished collecting some more data on the effects of rhubarb extract #654 (RE654) on the membrane potential of spinal neurones. Interdisciplinary Research Post-REF 2021 Sport & Exercise Science Education report A National COVID-19 Resilience Programme
Typically, the 95% confidence interval is reported but others, including 90% and 99% intervals, are also used. This result could represent that indicated at the bottom left cell in Table 1 (large P value and large effect size). So although intervention D is not statistically significant (just as C) it is of much more interest, and indicates that we have not collected enough data.In the circumstances it would be premature to exclude D as a useful intervention.